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Serenade99 Music Store

SERENADE99 Music Store in 2005. is specialized in the production of musical instruments. We can also do OEM services according to different requests.

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Bechstein Academy A208 Grand Piano

The series with its origin in the name: BECHSTEIN Academy grand pianos were established to offer music schools worldwide high quality instruments at an affordable price. Thus, the BECHSTEIN Academy grand piano A.208 is found today in many music schools and conservatories. However, since a long time, the model has also proven itself in countless households. As with all instruments in the series, for BECHSTEIN Academy grand piano A.208 the selection of materials is also crucial to the success of the instruments. For example, back posts are made from high quality pinewood, ribs and sounding board from tone wood (mountain spruce). Other body parts consist of sturdily glued solid wood with corresponding veneer seals. In the BECHSTEIN Academy A.208, high-quality cast iron plates formed in heavy sand are highly resistant to pressure and support the basic sound.The cast in capodaster strips in the treble and the duplex scale affixed behind the soundboard-bridge support a complex, colourful soundspectrum. In the middle tones and bass, the speaking length of the string is defined by special agraffes. Strings and tuning pins are made from the finest materials. Even those who are not interested in the details in the art of piano-making will appreciate the sound effects and love the large range of sound colours and dynamics. The BECHSTEIN Academy A.228 grand piano is thus suitable for all ranges of repertoire.

Key Points

  • New Grand Piano
  • 208cm / 6'8" Cabinet
  • Made By C.Bechstein Germany
  • A World Class Upright Piano

Bechstein Academy A208 Grand Piano features

153 cm / 60"

208 cm / 6'8"

379 kg / 836 lbs
Color / finish
Black polished, white polished, walnut and mahagony polished and satined. Special woodfinishes polished and satined.

Below are a series of videos by C. Bechstein's CEO, piano builder and company president, Karl Schulze. Carl takes you step by step through the manufacturing process of a World class Bechstein piano. He talks to the experts in relevant departments and explains the important quality aspects of a Bechstein piano. So sit back and enjoy these wonderfully entertaining videos.
Bechstein Wood
Bechstein Rim
Bechstein Soundboard
Bechstein Frame
Bechstein Cabinet
Bechstein Frame Bronzing
Bechstein Strings & Tuning Pins
Bechstein Keyboard Action
Bechstein Lyre & Pedals
Bechstein Key & Action Regulation
Bechstein Voicing
Bechstein Beyond Touch & Tone

About C Bechstein
C Bechstein is the superlative in piano manufacturing. There is nothing better, nothing comparable. C Bechstein upright and grand pianos are individual, masterfully shaped gems. Luxury in every detail. Aesthetics and vendor-specific details have always played a significant role with C. Bechstein. The more complex the detail work, the more valuable the instrument. Thus, C. Bechstein uprignt pianos contain valuable components that are otherwise found only in top-class grand piano building. So much quality, so much fine work, such expense and complexity in materials and workmanship are second to none. In the last decades, we have once again upgraded our manufacturing site to a true forge for masterpieces produced with modern knowledge while safeguarding precious tradition.Our instruments enjoy worldwide admiration by demanding musicians such as piano lovers, seeking the best tools for the precious hours at the upright or on the grand piano. C Bechstein grand pianos are placed on concert stages, in academies and in private homes. Simply wherever good music is made. The following quality characteristics of C Bechstein's masterful art of piano making can be explained to you by a professional piano technician on the instrument: Bechstein's sound membrane system with molded rib pockets for long-term tension stability, torsion-resistant cast iron plate, extremely stable yet resilient pine wood back post system, integral sound-energy system, tone-supporting acoustic engineering with sound-enhanced cabinets/rims.